October 2018


In Tijuana, Mexico we have education programs from preschool through high school, a Family Care program for after school hours, as well as a school of ministry. We recently began a new trimester which means the campus is full of growth and new life!

In the surrounding communities it is not unusual for teenagers to dropout of school before completing jr high or high school to help contribute to the families finances or care for their younger siblings. The accessibility of our education programs alongside our Family Care program, allow us to help children of all ages complete their education. This year, we are beyond excited to have eight of our high school graduates beginning their first trimester in the School of Missions!

It is a privilege to pour into, encourage and equip kids who would normally not be able to complete their education. Please pray for all of our students, that they would continue to grow, learn and experience His presence everyday.




In Romania our team is seeing incredible testimonies come from the daily time of worship and devotions with the children in the Family Care program! From the very beginning, the children loved these times of worship because they love music and dancing. Our team quickly realized that although the children were enjoying themselves, they were not fully aware of the power of their worship. Through the intentionality of the team, we have seen the children fully take on this mantle of worship. Each day they are being filled with His presence and encountering the Father’s love!

Recently, three different boys, each from a different group, shared that they had seen a beautiful, yellow angel during worship. It is our joy and privilege to help usher them into encounters of love with their heavenly Father and teach them to listen to His voice.



This month in Nicaragua at the outreach feeding program, our team shared on the power of prayer with the children. In this program you will find children and young adults that live on the streets and most are addicted to drugs.

After teaching about prayer, our team asked if any of them wanted to be prayed for specifically. Howard, a twenty-year old that has been on the streets since he was a child, quickly raised his hand. The team and the other youth laid hands on Howard while he wept as we shared our Father’s heart for him. Later that day, he completely opened up with our team! We are blessed to be able to continue loving, praying and connecting with him since!

Please continue to pray that our team experiences more breakthrough in building relationship with the people of this beautiful nation.

Toni Ithurburn2 Comments