September 2017 - RDSN in now THE MISSION

As we expanded from Mexico to other nations we needed a name that united each base in one heart and purpose. Our new name is now “the Mission” and “RDSN” is now the name of our Mexico base.  Each new base will come under the Mission and join us in bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth through family; rescuing the orphan, loving the broken and bringing healing and hope to those who are lost!


When Jesus heard the news that John the baptist had been murdered he took a boat to the other side of the lake to get away from the crowds and grieve the loss of a family member, but the crowds chased him down. 

Matthew 14:14 “And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.” 

The word “saw” here doesn't mean that he simply saw the people with his naked eye, but that He perceived or became aware of their need.  In response to what He saw, He  became the solution. We have come to believe that this is the very heartbeat of missions. 

Nearly thirty years ago I was sitting on the living room floor of the very first orphanage house, with 20 other kids, listening to my Dad read us Matthew 28. None of us kids understood why he began laughing out loud when he read “Go into all the world…..”. 

My dad quickly explained that the Lord had asked them to move to Mexico and take care of His kids and it had struck him as he was reading that he needed to get the transformation that was happening in our lives outside of the four walls Rancho de Sus Niños. He took the rest of the morning to teach us to share how Jesus had impacted our lives. That afternoon he loaded us all up in a bus and drove to the Tijuana dump where the poorest of our city worked and lived. He opened the doors and told us to go in groups of two or three and to simply introduce people to Jesus through our stories. Scared, nervous and a little embarrassed we spread out across the dump in small groups and began to share how real Jesus is. After praying with a man who gave his life to Jesus our group ran back to the bus beyond excited! The other kids came back shortly with similar stories of people who met Jesus for the first time.  

We loaded back up with a sense of celebration and a little bit of pride! We started to drive out of the dump when my Dad stopped the bus turned around looking back towards the dump and said, “Now what?”  That was a significant moment in the history of this ministry. The vision that was sparked by a word from the Lord had now exploded through the simplicity of seeing a need.  It was in that dump that we planted our first church and built our first school. 

Since that day in the dump, nearly thirty years ago, the Lord has been highlighting needs to us and moving us toward them.  Over and over again we have seen Him show up in miraculous ways, bringing His salvation, healing and deliverance.  Ever since He highlighted Europe and Central America we have felt the need for a name that would better express the ministry as a whole as well as bring some clarity to all who have been partnering with us for so long. In response, we are now “the Mission” with three different bases around the world - RDSN/Mexico, Misiune/Romania and Mision/Nicaragua with more to come.  We hope this not only brings clarity but increases excitement for what God is doing through the Mission and all of you who have helped make what’s happening possible. 


Jimmy Horner

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